Tuesday, 26 March 2013

More Bikers Going Yellow

Be visible and protect yourself. It's an investment that will last a lifetime.

I try to be visible in what I wear and when I wearit. Recently, I viewed a t.v. commercial by the State of Michigan and Harley Davidson with a similar message. It's a little ironic coming from Harley since Harley riders invariably only wear black, black and more black. Nevertheless, it's a worthy message and cool video.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Garrett Hedlund & Ducati in Tron

Check out some of my favourite videos by clicking on the profile link above (top left) under About Me. View this latest video clip from Tron (2010) starring Garrett Hedlund. The movie was on the tele last night and it was a blast. Seriously, though, don't try this at home. In fact, the purpose of this post is to highlight the very real need to make yourself conspicuous out there on the road. Do this by wearing high visibility colours or reflective material and don't do what Sam Flynn does in this video clip. Keep your lights on. Even though it may look cool, it's dangerous and illegal and it's a fictional movie. Get real! By the way, some of the scenes were filmed right here in Vancouver, British Columbia.