Sunday, 29 December 2013

Motorcycle Winterization and a Happy New Year to All

The first week of December, on a dry sunny day, I took one final, short ride on my Triumph Tiger 800 to visit a friend. The next day, I cleaned it well. The chain looked silver and new. I greased it, filled the tank and added stabilizer and then removed the battery.
About every 10 days, I charge the battery so it will be good to use when I reinstall it in early March. I did not remove the spark plugs as recommended by the owner's manual. That's alot of trouble. The bike is only a few months old and it will be serviced in the spring.

So there in the parkade my saphire blue Tiger rests on its centre stand for approximately 13 weeks until I can safely and comfortably ride it again. 2014 will be another year of wonderful riding and commaraderie, but also, unfortunately, tragedy for many who are not so lucky or careful on the roads. Let's hope they are few and not all too tragic. Do your best to make sure 2014 is a happy new year for you and all those around you each and every day. Take care of your bike and practice safe riding. I'm looking forward to utilizing the new GoPro camera I got for my birthday recently and a major trip through the Canadian Rockies in late June.